New info videos: Is titanium dioxide safe?

The potential classification of titanium dioxide as a cancerogenic substance is still a cause for a lot of headaches among European coatings manufacturers. Three comprehensive video clips are now offering help understanding what exactly is going on.

Is titanium dioxide safe? European institutions are debating this question. -

The videos where produced by the German initiative “Pro Titandioxid” and are now also available in English. In three clips of each one minute, the viewers get all relevant information to understand the current conflict. The clips are explaining what kind of substance titanium dioxide is, if titanium dioxide is safe and what the consequences of a classification would be.

The clips are also explaining why the European institutions are looking into this matter now, what arguments are used to support the classification and what flaws these arguments have. To watch the clips just click on the screenshots.

What is titanium dioxide?

What is titanium dioxide

Is titanium dioxide safe?

Is titanium dixide dangerous

What would happen if TiO2 would be classified?

Classification of titanium dioxide

“Pro Titandioxid” is a joined initiative by the German Coatings Association “Verband der deutschen Lack- und Druckfarbenindustrie (VdL)” and the German association of the mineral paint industry “Verband der deutschen Mineralfarbenindustrie (VDMI)”.

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