Powder coatings are in the focus of the December issue
The December issue of European Coatings Journal is out and features a full package on powder coatings: a market report, a product overview and expert interviews. The magazine is also available in European Coatings 360°.
Powder coatings only make up 10 % of the total coatings volume worldwide, but are highly valued in the applications it is used in. Some more interesting numbers can be found in the market report on page 12, and in our focus contribution by Bart Hofstede, DSM. He explains a new approach to matt powder coatings from page 20. This subject will be further amplified during our webcast “European Coatings Live” on 18 December at 15.00 CET.
The complete issue is now also available at our data bank European Coatings 360°. European Coatings 360° also provides registered users with the opportunity to conduct your research activities online via our quick and effective full-text search and find exactly the information you need for your daily work in the field of coatings formulation.