Ranking 2019: The 25 largest coatings producers in Europe

The ranking of the 25 largest producers of paints and varnishes in 2019 once again shows data on sales, production sites and business fields of the listed companies. There was movement and change, especially in the midfield.

Most changes in the ranking are located in the middle and lower ranks. (Picture: kentoh - stock.adobe.com) -

The Top 25 ranks paint and coatings producers by their annual turnover. The companies in this list only focus on European enterprises, that means the headquarters have to be in Europe. Therefore, global players like PPG Industries, Nippon Paint or Asian Paints are not represented in this list.It is not enough just to have activities or production sites in Europe.

There is little change at the top. However, not all companies from the previous year are on the list again. At the top group, only the individual values have changed slightly, and the rankings of the five best-selling paint and varnish manufacturers remain the same as in previous years. The five companies are also the only ones to break the billion-euro mark in terms of annual sales in 2018. The Dutch company Akzo Nobel leads the ranking with EUR 9.3 billion (-3 % compared to the previous year), more than twice as high as BASF’s Coatings division, the second-placed coatings manufacturer.

Detailed information on the individual companies can be obtained by moving the mouse over the data points. For example, how large the share of non-European sales is or in which coating relevant business areas the companies are active.

Movements in the ranking of coatings manufacturers

There are movements in midfield. The French coatings manufacturer Chromology, for example, lost a position due to sales losses of around 19 million euros, while Teknos from Finland was able to make up a position thanks to solid growth.

The building paint manufacturer J.W. Ostendorf, which was acquired last year by the Danish Hempel Group, is no longer part of the Top 25. However, Hempel has not yet integrated the sales of the new subsidiary into its own figures. Hemmelrath Lackfabrik, on the other hand, is still part of this list, as the sales refer to the year 2018 and the Franconian company was only acquired by the US-American group PPG Industries at the beginning of 2019.

Company Country  Paint and Coatings sales in EUR million Group sales in EUR million  Number of employees Coatings production sites worldwide
Akzo Nobel The Netherlands 9300 9300 34500 150+
BASF Germany 3856 62675 11500 70+
Jotun Norway 1839 1839 9800 40
Hempel Denmark 1346 1346 6500 28
Deutsche Amphibolin-Werke (DAW) Germany 1300 1300 5600 29
Beckers Group Germany 600 600 1800 24
Tikkurila Finland 582 582 3000 11
Brillux Germany 500 500 2500 4
Teknos Finland 408 408 1700 16
Cromology France 406 665 3650 10
Mankiewicz Germany 353 353 1500 7
Tiger Coatings Austria 295 295 1254 8
Wörwag Germany 248 248 1000 6
Flügger Group Denmark 243 243 1486 6
Betek Boya Turkey 240 240 1300 n.a.
Corporacao Industrial do Norte (CIN) Portugal 232 238 1400 9
Meffert AG Farbwerke Germany 227 406 1387 11
Yasar Turkey 213 213 1000 n.a.
Grebe Holding Germany 211 211 1300 9
Remmers Germany 200 335 1500 3
Mipa Germany 176 189 1200 9
Berlac Switzerland 152 177 700 9
Frei Lacke Germany 152 152 568 1
Dold Gruppe Switzerland 137 137 500 3
Sniezka Poland 136 136 600 n.a.

A look back

Have a look at what changed in the last years with our Top 25 from 2018, Top 25 from 2017 and the ranking from 2016.

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