Remmers internationalises web presence

Remmers, a company specialising in the manufacture of construction chemicals, wood paints and coatings as well as industrial coatings, has relaunched its website.

The user interface of the new Remmers website on monitor
The first Remmers subsidiaries have already followed suit and adapted their Internet presence - most recently Remmers Poland. Picture source: Remmers -

The new Remmers website is equipped with improved functionalities. The new website is now available to customers and business partners at home and abroad at

It not only provides them with up-to-date information on the entire Remmers range, but also insights into specific application examples: Numerous illustrated reports on reference objects can be accessed directly. In various places, reference is made to personal contact persons including their contact details for the individual business segments.

Extensive digitisation project

According to Remmers, the conversion from to is the result of an extensive digitisation project that the group of companies is gearing to the constantly changing requirements of the international markets.

All Remmers foreign companies will soon be integrated into the new website. The first step was taken by the subsidiary in the Netherlands. Since the beginning of November 2018, Remmers B.V.’s website has been showing its new look to customers, partners and interested parties, with the Belgian subsidiary following in January 2019. The Polish subsidiary has also been accessible via the updated website for a few days now. The other foreign subsidiaries will also be redesigning their websites in the near future.

Further information is available directly at

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