RoadToBio”: Roadmap for the chemical industry towards bioeconomy published

The RoadToBio consortium presents a roadmap to the (chemical) industry as well as many other stakeholders to inspire them to take relevant actions on the way towards a more bio-based future.

Earth against a green background.
The RoadToBio consortium presents a roadmap to the (chemical) industry (symbol imaga). Image source: annca / Pixabay. -

RoadToBio started in May 2017 with the objective to develop a roadmap outlining a path for achieving a 25 % share of bio-based products in the EU organic chemical industry in 2030 (as compared to 10 % share in 2016).

The roadmap is intended to provide an evidence-based foundation for the EU chemical industry upon which future policy can be implemented and actions developed. For this the consortium developed three different kinds of documents to offer an easy way to dive deep into the bio-based production

-.Action Plan summarising actions for implementing the roadmap as a first entry point to the results of RoadToBio

Strategy Document providing in-depth background information on the drive for bio-based market growth, as well as the opportunities and barriers to increasing the share of bio-based chemicals in nine product groups

Engagement Guide providing communication tools to promote bio-based chemicals and easy-to-read information on the Roadmap

Further information can be found on the RoadToBio-Website.

Image source: Pixabay.

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