Stahl participates in research on biobased polymers

Stahl will be one of the partners in a Research and Innovation Action aiming to replace conventional polymers with novel bio-based polymers for their application in coatings, textiles, home care uses and structural adhesives.

Different colored granules as symbolic image.

The goal of a new researcg action is to replace conventional polymers with novel bio-based polymers. Image source: digitalstock - (symbol image).


The Action is named CHAMPION (Circular High-performance Aza-Michael Polymers as Innovative materials Originating from Nature). Polymer-based products are essential to our modern lifestyle. CHAMPION, which will launch its activities for 3,5 years starting in June 2020, is geared towards making them better suited to modern expectations in terms of their sustainability credentials. The project has been awarded Horizon 2020 BBI JU funding and includes 14 partners from 6 European countries coordinated by the University of York.

“Even superior replacements”

Prof. James Clark, coordinator of the CHAMPION project: “The current approaches to polymer production are not compatible with the EU’s circular economy and green ambitions; the CHAMPION project will develop suitable, even superior replacements.”

The majority of conventional polymers are not fit for recycling and end up being incinerated or landfilled. Some of the chemicals used in their production may result in toxic emissions depending on the end of life process they go through. These characteristics stand in contrast to the EU’s green credentials and its ambitions to create a circular economy. Novel CHAMPION bio-based polymers result from the aza-Michael addition reaction and are expected to be suitable replacements for polymers used in resistant kitchen counter coatings, laundry detergents and other homecare products, car interior surfaces, and structural adhesives.

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