Titanium dioxide market report
The market research company Ceresana analysed the global market for titanium dioxide (TiO2) along its whole value-added chain already for the third time.
The most important natural resources for titanium dioxide are the minerals ilmenite and rutile. Ilmenite producers gain it from ore deposits or from sand that contains heavy metals. Natural rutile is formed primarily by the crystallisation of magma with high titanium and low iron contents or by the metamorphosis of titanium-bearing sediments or magmatites. Synthetic rutile and titanium slag are made from ilmenite.
Titanium dioxide uses
In 2017, more than 15 million tonnes of ilmenite, rutile, and titanium slag were processed worldwide. About 60% thereof were utilised for the production of pigments. For other end products, such as technically pure titanium, electrical conductors, and chemical intermediates, about 7% were utilised. The rest, about 33% were used for further refinement into synthetic rutile and titanium slag.
Titanium dioxide pigments
While only a few countries dominate the market for these feedstocks, the processors in Asia-Pacific, North America, and Western Europe determine the demand. The new titanium dioxide market report by Ceresana analyses the global market for TiO2 pigments in detail. The industry in Asia-Pacific accounted for almost 46% of global demand in 2017. North America and Western Europe followed with almost 17% respectively. The most important sales markets for TiO2 pigments are paints and coatings with a market share of over 56%, followed by plastics, paper, and other pigment applications, for example food and sunscreen.
The market report is available via Ceresana's website.